We are finding our way in Indianapolis but it is not a smooth path. We have a way of conducting business that cannot take into account the many variables--especially financial. Thus, we receive a resolution but since we don't really have a budget, it's hard to vote on whether this funding is financially responsible or not. No doubt 2015 will have a clearer budget process and have a clearer sense of priorities (we are after all hopeful people), but not now.
However, I can see many signs of living into the future right now. I was astounded that the House of Deputies passed a resolution to sell the Episcopal Church Center in New York. We have talked about this for decades but never taken the first step. This is a sign of hope but also a recognition that we are not quite sure of where we are going. The motion is to move out of NY but is not certain about where.
It's been great to see old friends and make new ones--especially on the Education Committee. I knew few of the deputies assigned to the committee but working together 6 hours a day eliminates the gap.
President Bonnie Anderson preached about courage yesterday. I think the courage called for comes from our hearts. It comes from our deep longing to be Christ's Church--to be made new--to make a difference as disciples. That longing binds us all together here. There are huge theological differences, but we serve One Lord, we proclaim One Faith, and we are saved by One Baptism. I think remembering all of that is a lot of the reasons we come.