Monday, July 2, 2012

Tomorrow I head to Indianapolis for the 77th General Convention.  As I prepare to go, I have been thinking of an article I read in Sunday's NY Times by Thomas Friedman, "Taking One for the Country."  He calls for leaders to put "the nation's interests before partisan politics" and "the virtue..of thinking big."  The article is about Chief Justice Robert's ruling, but is applicable to our Church.

We need leaders who will see the larger perspective and then take bold moves to push us there.  I think we as a Church are in some ways mirroring our country. We get into camps and protect our turf. What we need is for our leaders to give us a picture of the promised land and then make bold moves to get us there.  It's time for us to rethink how we do the Church's business, especially in terms of General Convention.  We need to ask is this is the right use of our money ($12 million) and our time (9 days).  We need to ask if there are more fruitful ways for us to discern God's direction.  We need  large visions and bold moves. 